Donation goal of the Tour
Each fundriding tour has a different goal. The tour in Dec 2018 is dedicated to our latest project: PPG – ponds, pumps and gardens.
The people in our field of activity are constantly threatened by water scarcity and a precarious food insecurity. We’re currently digging the 75th big pond. These ponds last 365 days and guarantee water for the farm animals and water for the yearly cultivation of vegetables. The families who run the farm are trained by us in all aspects and we are always on hand to provide advice and assistance. PPG turns all involved smallholders into self-suppliers and generates important earnings from the sale of organic farming for themselves and the environment as a whole. We can say that about 8 people (depending on the region) benefit directly and many more indirectly from each pond. The total costs for the excavation, the construction of the gardens and the training courses including others are about € 1.500,- (even this varies depending on the region and situation). A great price-performance ratio, sustainable and extremely effective in the fight against extreme poverty, which otherwise kills many people every year, including children.