
Dear Sponsors,

I’m Rudi Broich, from the lovely city of Neuss. I’m 62 years young and have been involved with the shooting sports for 42 years, as well as being a passive fan of Neuss ice hockey. One of my passions is my Peugeot 103 Lions Club, where we’ve been organizing Nikolaus rides every December for years, raising money for kids who aren’t as fortunate in life.

I learned about Kleine Hilfsaktion through a colleague who’s friends with Roland. I was deeply touched and impressed by how this small organization does such amazing work for underprivileged kids in Cambodia and other parts of the world. Since I love riding mopeds and motorcycles myself, this tour immediately caught my attention. And if I can help such a great cause at the same time, I can’t think of a better way to spend my vacation!

Of course, I’m covering all the costs of the trip myself!

Now, it’s your turn—I need your support!

This trip has a charitable purpose: every kilometer I ride raises money for Kleine Hilfsaktion e.V. and helps people in need in Cambodia. You can sponsor me with a flat donation or contribute by pledging cents per kilometer. For example, 1 cent per kilometer for 1500 kilometers would be a donation of €15. If 100 sponsors each donate 1 cent per kilometer, that’s €1500 in donations for 1500 kilometers!

Of course, you’re welcome to donate more or support the cause with a one-time contribution.

I’m counting on you and your support! A big thank you in advance,









Become a Km-Sponsor

Private – Anonymous Sponsor

CompanyZimmer Kommunikation & Sicherheitstechnik

Private – Joachim Geiger

Private – Axel Dr. Kaiser

Private – Anne Schillings

Private – Katja Gisbertz

Private – Sven Nyerup

Private – Sinaida Offer

Private – Heike Borowy

Private – Helga Busse

Company – M&M Gastronomie und Event GmbH