

my name is Stephan Hummer and I am a 50-year-old from Düsseldorf.

The day before the Enduro-Fundriding-Tour in Laos starts its my birthday, the perfect timing to start another adventurous year in my life with the support of the Kleine Hilfsaktion e.V. and to combine my greatest passion with the possibility to help other people.

Like all participants who qualified to take part, I also bear the costs for my trip myself, but – and now you come into play, dear SPONSORS, for every kilometre driven 1.00 euros in donations are needed.

These donations will be used exclusively for the projects of the Kleine Hilfsaktion e.V..

Of course, I will bring plenty of photo material from the trip with your sponsor identification, which you are very welcome to use for the public relations of your company. I will spread much of the experiences in the social networks and take you on the journey.

So that you know who you support here and what drives me

I run a room in Düsseldorf and my everyday life is like a changing diary, that’s why I spend my free time as often as possible NOT according to the saying “We live our lives as if we had a second one”! Instead I use the time very consciously for what charges me and moves me, above all moves and almost always on 2 wheels, no matter whether with or without engine.

There is almost no curve in Central, Southern and Eastern Europe that I don’t know on or off road and after my last trip through Cambodia and India it was clear to me that it was time for an Asian tour on 2 wheels!

Thanks to a chance encounter with the even crazier Roland Debschütz, I am now offered this great opportunity and I hope to be able to take it as generously as possible with your help.

Greetings with a lot of petrol in his blood and a soft core in his heart,

Your Stephen Hummer.


Private – Anja Roth

CompanyRock Your Body Dessous

CompanyAutohaus U.Pohl

Private – Anonymous donor

CompanyAllianz Generalvertretung Martin Meyer e.K.

Private – Alexander HOMMER

Private – Anonymous donor

Private – Anonymous donor