
My name is Thomas Diekmannshemke. I am 55 years old, married and have two adult daughters. I run a driving school in Mönchengladbach with my wife. I met Roland in a motorcycle safety training. Roland has accomplished remarkable development assistance in Cambodia with his “Kleinen Hilfsaktion e.V.”. Here, I want to support him and his organization by my membership and participation in the Fundriding-Tour of 2018. On this tour it is all about as many Km raised funds as possible and thus to help locally. To help as many people as I can, I am going to “torture” the scooter about 1,300 km across the 3rd World. Please support my kilometers with a few cents or even more! Your Thomas Diemannshemke


Become a Km-Sponsor

Company - Harff Schlüsseldienst (Norbert Harff)
Private - Sofia Diekmannshemke
Private - Stefan Gaspers
Company - Haus Spinnen (Joanna Weiss)
Private - Dominik Ahn
Company - steep GmbH (Simone Weber)
Company - Fahrschule-Team-Ralph (Ralph Loske)
Private - Uwe Laars

Company - Bosch Car Service Hütten GmbH (Thomas Sosinski)
Private - Winfried Gleich
Private - Detlef Bruchmann
Private - Olaf Joußen
Company - Helmut Hoppe Abschleppdienste (Helmut Hoppe)
Private - Klaus Gärtner
CompanyLSHS GmbH (Michael Wolters)
Company - Frank Berx Installateur- und Heizungsbauermeister
Company - Fahrschule Remigius (Markus Remigius)
Private - Ulrich Ahn
Private - Marc Schafhausen
Private - Anonymous donor
CompanyNoack Energiespar-Fenster Vertriebs-GmbH (Tim Noack)
Private - Johannes Andersen (Spibo*s Bikes)
Company - Fahrschule Klotzki / Wismann M.Claßen & K.Debschütz GbR (M. Claßen & K. Debschütz)
Private - Anonymous donor
CompanyCarl Finis GmbH (Thomas Finis)
Private - Anonymous donor
Private - Anonymous donor
Company3P Resale (Andre Placzek)
Private - Marco Abels
CompanyTOUGH STUFF Harley-Davidson (Hans Lautem)
Private - Uwe Wallrabe

CompanyFahrschule Ködderitzsch (Heike Ködderitzsch)
Private - Gökhan Özel
Company - Heels on Wheels (Schoko Sonnenschein)
CompanyLöwen Apotheke (Georg Busen)
Private - Roman Grabisch
CompanyTreffpunkt allround/ Tennisschule allround e. K.
Private - Irene Seidler
Private - Anonymous donor