
The musician Uli Biggemann, as a lateral entrant in 2010, armed himself for the first time, with a single lens reflex camera and shot himself into the hearts of the motorcycle community within a very short time," my favorite employer wrote, the" MOTORRAD NEWS ".
“Uli Biggemann is an artist. And not only at the trigger of his camera, Uli is also a musician. And of course a passionate motorcyclist. Maybe it's the mixture of everything that makes him see such good photos of motorcycles, their riders and the environment in which they move, before he presses the shutter release button. As in music, a photo is also a composition, has a melody of colours, light and shadows, a rhythm of image division and temporally frozen kinetic energy. You must be able to grasp all this. Pure craftsmanship, the theory of apertures and exposure times are of little use. Just as you can become a pop star without being able to read a single note, photography is much more about talent than teaching."
... By the way: being able to read music helps enormously! ?
To the point:
Armed with as many hairs on top of my head as our FUNDRIDING pre-turner Roland, I would like to give something to all those who haven't had so much luck, with my participation! Social commitment does not exclude adventure and fun, as the fun riding tours prove.
These are constructed like a "WELFARE ACTIVITY RUN", so I need you and your cent donation/km (gladly more: -)). Please join in and enter your support per kilometer. It will be around 1,300 km at 1 cent making the ridiculous sum of 13, - Oiro. They can also be sold completely, then we are at 8, - Oiro!
So, come on!