Opportunities It means that we are the first generation to have the ability to change the course of world development and that we could be the last to do so. That is why our generation has a special responsibility and opportunity to make global changes - and in time. "Gro Harlem Brundtland, Ministerpräsidentin von Norwegen a.D. " Dear friends, sponsors, supporters and "facilitators", I am Ole (Oliver ) Bender, 48 years old and live with my wife Liane in Frankfurt am Main. In December 2017 I was allowed to be part of the discovery tour through Cambodia. The bitter poverty and the joy and sincere gratitude of people for things that are taken for granted in our country have moved me deeply and changed me and my life afterwards. Not only am I more grounded, no, I have become more thankful for many things I took for granted before. The contrast of our affluent society to the poor conditions in Cambodia, where it is partly about bare survival, has moved me to want to do more for people in need and to create opportunities. You have the optimal possibility to help the people locally fast and unbureaucratically with your donation for the Kleine Hilfsaktion e.V.! Again, the tour works according to the proven principle of km sponsoring: I drive - you donate. Please enter the amount (in cents) you would like to donate per kilometre driven in the form below. We drive about 1.300 km and each driver has to pay at least 1,00 € per km in donations. So there is a minimum of 1.300 € per driver. During the tour in December 2017 we collected more than 50,000 €, with which a lot could be changed of which we could also convince ourselves locally. The complete tour, scooter and food as well as the travel and accommodation costs are my responsibility. Your donations will benefit the local people 1:1. Of course, every sponsor receives a fully deductible donation receipt. Don't miss this opportunity! Your OleKm-Sponsors
Private - Heike SchuhmacherCompany - Sibutec CNC Fertigung & Service GmbH
Private - Anonymous donor
Private - Michael Sauer
Private - Eva und Sebastian Köhler
Company - Büroschnäppchen GmbH (Sebastian Köhler)
Private - Nikolai Kuljasow
Private - Frederick Potthoff
Private - Hildegard Schnepf
Private - Detlef & Ute Mehlmann
Private - Astrid Iannotti
Private - Klaus Rehn
Private - Anonymous donor
Private - Klaus Michl
Company - sixtmedia Onlinemarketing (Timon Sixt)
Private - Timo Henschel
Private - Horst Sixt
Private - Roland Thiel
Company - MIM GmbH (Denis Hübner)